Using Point Averaging inside Leica Captivate and Infinity

In Captivate: Point averaging can be found under Settings/Point Storage/Duplicate points.

To average points they must be measured with the same Point ID. When this happens, Captivate will do the following based on the selection set in Settings/Point Storage/Duplicate points.

Option 1 : Check the Average

Using Point Averaging inside Leica Captivate and Infinity 1

1. If the points measured are OUTSIDE the limits as set, a status message briefly appears stating that the points are out of averaging limit.
The user has the option to either: 
Store – Will store an AVERAGE point with coordinates determined by the Use setting
Use –
Yes – measurement will always be used in the average, even if out of tolerance
No – measurement will not be used in the average under any circumstances
Auto - measurement will be used only if it is within the averaging tolerance of other measurements set to Yes or Auto.
Edit – Rename a measurement.
Delete – Delete a measurement.
Using Point Averaging inside Leica Captivate and Infinity 2
2. If the points measured are INSIDE the limits as set, a status message briefly advises that the point differences are OK. An AVERAGE Triplet will be created using the method selected (weighted – no weighting).

Option 2 : Show Warning Message

Note – with this selection, Averaged points are still created based on the Limits set for Option 1. It is therefore still important to still set those limits appropriately.
Using Point Averaging inside Leica Captivate and Infinity 3
1. If a duplicate point ID is measured the user has the option to either:
Store the point anyway.
Find the next available point ID.
Cancel the point storage.

2. If the measurement is Stored and is OUTSIDE the averaging limits as set,
the user will be prompted (as per Option 1) to either. 
Store – Will store an AVERAGE point with coordinates determined by the Use setting
Use –
Yes – measurement will always be used in the average, even if out of tolerance
No – measurement will not be used in the average under any circumstances
Auto - measurement will be used only if it is within the averaging tolerance of other measurements set to Yes or Auto.
Edit – Rename a measurement
Delete – Delete a measurement

3. If the measurement is Stored and is INSIDE the limits as set, a status message briefly advises that the point differences are OK. An AVERAGE Triplet will be created using the method selected (weighted – no weighting).

Option 3 : Check the Absolute Difference

Using Point Averaging inside Leica Captivate and Infinity4

1. If the points measured are OUTSIDE the limits as set, a status message briefly appears stating that the points are out of averaging limit.
The user has the option to either: 
Store – Will store an AVERAGE point with coordinates determined by the Use setting
Use –
Yes – measurement will always be used in the average, even if out of tolerance
No – measurement will not be used in the average under any circumstances
Auto - measurement will be used only if it is within the averaging tolerance of other measurements set to Yes or Auto.
Edit – Rename a measurement.
Delete – Delete a measurement.

2. If the points measured are INSIDE the limits as set, a status message briefly advises that the point differences are OK. An AVERAGE Triplet will be created using the method selected (weighted – no weighting).

Option 4 : Don’t Check

Using Point Averaging inside Leica Captivate and Infinity 4

1. If the points measured are OUTSIDE the limits as set in Option 1, no warning will be given and an AVERAGE Triplet will be created based on the Use flag being set to Auto.. The averaged point triplet can be adjusted by Editing the point in the Job Data screen.

2. If the points measured are INSIDE the limits as set, An AVERAGE Triplet will be created using the method selected (weighted – no weighting as per Option 1).

In Infinity Point averaging can be found under Info & Settings/Points & Angles

Using Point Averaging inside Leica Captivate and Infinity 5

Infinity Does NOT import the average triplet from the DBX files it creates its own based on the settings as per above.

Points outside the average limit are flagged by the warning icon across the average Icon.
Using Point Averaging inside Leica Captivate and Infinity 6
As per point 1000 in the above image.

By right clicking on the point and going to the properties it is possible to view the observations that make up the point and choose to include or exclude them in the calculation – please note if points are included that are outside the tolerance set the Warning will not be removed.