How to Engage Leica Semi-Automatic Machine Control (2D/3D)

Step 1: Press the bucket icon.

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1,Step 1

Step 2: Press the boxes for the functions that should be controlled automatically.

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1, Step 2

Step 3: Adjust “Attack angle” (if desired) by using the +/- keys or pressing the value field.

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1,Step 3

Step 4: Press the bucket icon to close the menu.

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1, Step 4

Step 5: Press the “PREP” button to activate CoPilot prepared mode (can be configured to an external button).

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1, Step 5jpg

The "PREP" button changes to red “AUTO".

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1 Step 5.1

Step 6: Place bucket inside model boundaries, and within operational height window (which is 30cm.)

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1, Step 6

Step 7: If a tilt rotor interface is used, activate (and hold) the tilt rotor auto-button.

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1, Step 7

Step 8: Apply pressure to stick hydraulics.

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1, Step 8

Step 9: The "AUTO" button turns green, and the system activates selected functions to move cutting edge towards the model below. Apply moderate stick speed to let the system keep on target.

950050_Leica, excavator, MC1, Step 9
