How to connect to SmartFix using single base on the Trimble TSC3

Create a SmartFix single base contact. Select ‘Settings’ 

Select ‘Connect’

Select ‘GNSS Contact’ 

Either create a new contact or copy an existing one. 

Ensure ‘Use NTRIP’ is ticked 

For ‘NTRIP username and password’ enter your SmartFix user name and password. For IP address enter Enter the port number corresponding to the area you are operating in. See our knowledge base for port numbers and base locations.  

Select ‘Survey Styles’ 

Either create a new survey style or copy an existing one. 

Select ‘Rover Options’ 

  • Set ‘Survey Type’ to ‘RTK’ and the ‘Broadcast format’ to ‘Multi station (RTCM)’
  • Enter the antenna height 

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Select ‘Rover data link’ 

Select the SmartFix contact for single base that was created earlier in ‘GNSS contacts’  

Enter ‘General Survey’ 

Select the created Survey Style for SmartFix single base. 

Select the created GNSS contact for SmartFix single base. 

The available mountpoints on that port will load up. Select required mountpoint to start the stream.